Mrs. Tyrrell's Little Sprouts



I have tried to make homework as organized and simple as possible. Your child will place all homework in the front pocket of their "Jungle Book" which is their homework folder.  This is a big step in your child's life as they learn to manage there Jungle Book.  I tell the children it is their job to be responsible for their folder.  They need to put papers in it. They need to get it to their book bag without dropping the papers, and get them home each day.  In the morning they need to get their homework folder to me.  Mistakes will be made and if they do not get there homework home, then they will have double the next day. 

Math homework will consist of doing side B of their math paper. Side A is completed in class, they will need your assistance to do this page.  You will need to read the question and hopefully they will know what to do. They may need occasional help with a problem.  Please assist them in understanding and then correct the paper and sign it.  If you feel there is a concept your child is not understanding please make a note of it and I will re-teacher it.  You will have math homework usually four days a week.  Since Thursday is a short day, I usually test on that day, meaning no homework!

Reading homework will consist of a book and a word list. It is important that your child can read the book I send home. If you feel you need to keep it a few more days that is fine.  Depending on your child's reading level you may need to read it multiple times.  I would suggest at least three.  The purpose of this is to help your child develop their fluency.  Your child is expected to read first grade books at about 60 words per minute.  Re-reading is a good way to develop this. The word list are important to help your child master words without any help from the book such as pictures and to make sure they are just not memorizing the book.  If you are getting through them quickly you could have your child spell the words. 

DO NOT SPEND MORE THE THIRTY MINUTES ON HOMEWORK!  The goal is about 20 minutes of reading a night.  You can divide the time up, depending on your child's attention span . 

I will also place other work they have done which is ready to go home.  This maybe mixed up with the homework.  Sorry just sort through it each night.  All homework that is ready for me to see will go in the front pocket. If you would like to keep something to review or finish, please keep that in the back pocket until finished or you may keep it at home. 

There may be times when I forget to check of their homework, I frequently get distracted with twenty cute little firsties who have lots to share in the morning.  If I forget, just mark it for me and let me know you did do it.


Our classroom will become a mini-community in which I hope to model, teach and encourage positive behavior in a nurturing, caring environment.  Consistency is important as we practice good manners such as politeness, respect, patience, doing our best work and self control. Mistakes will be made and that is OKAY!  that is how we learn.  I will work through the problem with your child, by offering guidance and support to help your child develop self-discipline and good work habits.  If necessary, (I would want to know if my child was doing that) I will call you and we can work together in coming up with an effective behavior plan.


Handwriting is part of the common core and is taught in the classroom.  I encourage your child to do their best handwriting, but at times I do not catch or have time to have your child erase and start over.  If you notice this at home, please encourage good handwriting. Also some children have already come with incorrect habits such as letter formation (Such as writing the letters bottom to top) The formation of letters is important to learn so that your child has an easy transition to cursive. Also if your child holds his/her pencil incorrectly there are some tools we can try to use and if we work together both at home and school we can maybe  change to the correct pencil grip.


We will have morning, noon, and afternoon recesses.  Please send appropriate clothing for your child to wear.  We will go outside everyday, except during extreme weather conditions.  If your child has been ill, he or she may stay inside, but only with a note or an email from you.

Phone Calls

Communication is very important to us.  We will gladly accept a phone call from you during the following times: 8:00-8:40 am, 10:15-10:30 am, 11:40-12:05 pm, 2:15-2:30 pm, or after school is out. Please be mindful of these times.  Calling during school hours interrupts the learning process. The office will gladly take and deliver the message to us.  If needed, we can return your call as soon as possible.


It is the school policy that if your child has a change in his/her regular schedule for getting home, there MUST be a note sent to the teacher. If your child usually rides the bus and you will be picking them up, I need a note.  IF your child is riding a different bus, Bus drivers will not allow your child on the us without a note.  THIS IS FOR YOUR CHILD'S SAFETY!!!!!

Check in/Check out

All students must be checked in or out of school in the office.  You must do this if your child arrives late for school or if you are picking your child up early. 

Reading Minutes

Monthly calendars are included in your child's Homework Folder. Please use the calendars to record your child's reading minutes each day. Required reading is 20 minutes a night, at least five nights a week.  Please record the total minutes for each month on the calendar. 


We ask that ALL toys an makeup be kept at home.  This includes markers, pens, and pencil sharpeners.  Many times the children want to bring toys from home to play with at recess or at their desks.  We cannot be responsible for lost or broken toys.


We will celebrate your child's birthday on their birthday, summer birthdays will be celebrated on their birthday. 

Book Orders

We send home book orders once in a while throughout the school year.  There is no pressure to buy books from the book orders.  We feel they are quality books at a good price and we also earn free books for our classrooms.  If you would like to order books please make the check out to the book company.  Write your name on the order blank and return within the week. 


Teachers cannot distribute medicine at school If you child needs to take any form of medicine please call the office to see how how to handle the situation.

Label Everything Important

Please label everything they bring to school.  Teach your child to dress themselves in outerwear.

Tie Shoes

If your child is unable to tie theirs hoes, please take some time to practice this skill with them.